
Friday, October 29, 2010

Kulihat jeruk

Lagi musim jeruk kali ya?
Tiap ke kantor melalui daerah yang banyak pohon jeruknya.
Dan jeruk2 itu dah dengan indahnya muncul di tiap pohon..

jd pengen metik.. Krn warnanya yang indah ... Oh..


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wine Tasting at Hunter Valley

Ever join a wine tasting tour? was my first time to join wine tasting tour . And it was in Hunter Valley, australia..

Since it was an interesting experience for me, i wrote it in an article. Yeah .


Friday, October 22, 2010

Tokyo Disneyland during Halloween and Christmas

I wrote an article about visiting Tokyo Disneyland during Halloween and Christmas for Koki.

This is the link --> HERE

The pictures over there are taken by my camera and also from my friend setivan last year (2009)..

I am lazy to copy whole article to here.. so just read from the link. Ok? hahaha..

Anyway, I wrote that on january, and realize that it was too late.. ( not the right season anymore).
Now, since almost halloween and christmas, i repost to Koki again.. ^^

I made mistake in the video description though. hahaha.. It is about halloween not about christmas.. :p

Happy Happy Weekend! Yeah !

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tahu Busuk Taiwan

Hari ini Melihat artikel di link Tahu Busuk Taiwan ini.

Jd berpikir..

Yang bisa makan ini hebat ya.. secara kalo gw.. Orangnya jijikan seh. Cium bau makanan super aneh..ya ga bisa makan.. ^^;

Makanan Agak lengket2 lendir2.. ( kaya durian).makanan yang super exotic (serangga dkk). telur mentah.. ya ga bisa makan juga..

Krn otakku langsung mengeluarkan pikiran --> NO.. Hiy.. Jijjik..seramm... Ga enak pasti .. ( padahal belum disentuh..belum dimakan pula..)

Tapi krn otakku ini langsung berpikir demikian.. Ya, pas mencoba makan tetep reaksi yang timbul sama dengan yang sudah dipikirkan..

Klo tahu busuk ini ..Jg sama kayanya. hahaha. Dah keburu judge yang jelek2 sebelum di makan krn mencium baunya yang mantapppp gitu.. hahahaha..

Yach. Payah lah aku...

Dulu pas masih kecil padahal bisa2 aja makan durian.. Ntah sejak kapan jd membenci durian... tidak suka durian.. cium baunya aja dah ga tahan lama2.. hahahaha.. Apalagi dimakan.. Bisa minum air banyak2 sembari makan.. ( mampu seh buat makannya..tapi harus pakai air).

Kalo makan serangga.. Lewat deh..Ga bakal kusentuh.hahaha.. Meski mungkin rasanya ga seperti yang dibayangkan, but no.. thankz.

Klo makan telur mentah. Biasanya suka ada tuh telur2 mentah di makanan jepang. Aku biasanya langsung kucampur dengan kuah yang panas2. Biar telurnya mateng.. hehehe..

Nah , Jadi....

Siapa yang mau coba Tahu busuk Taiwan? Tuh dah dibantuin di bahas di artikel diatas oleh sang penulis ( not me.)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tomato Soup

2 weeks ago, i made this tomato soup.. The recipe was gotten from my sister who got this recipe from internet. So, Thank You who made this recipe.. It is Delicious! ^^

I really think this is a nice soup for autumn, winter, and spring. ^^

*note : Krn pemula dalam masak memasak, jd ukuran bahan2 nya bener2 kuikuti.. Klo yang sudah jago, ga terlalu perlu mikirin kali ya.. Yang penting kalo dirasa enak.. itu dah OK. *

So, lets start ! ^^

Ingredients :
4 cups of water
1/4 lb of pork meat – cut into small dices --> can be change with chicken or spam..
2 sausages (preferably bratwurst) – cut into small dices --> since i used spam, i didn't add this

1 piece of carrot – cut into small dices
1 can of button mushroom – cut into thin slices
1/4 cup of tomato sauce
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 tablespoon of salt
a pinch of nutmeg (biji pala)

1 stem of scallion – cut into thin slices (daun bawang)
mix of 1/4 cup of water and 2 tablespoons of tapioca starch
1 teaspoon of butter
4 cloves of shallots – cut into thin slices (bawang merah)
1 teaspoon of minced garlic

1 fresh tomato ( i just add this one , since i have a leftover one.. so i added it. It made the soup taste more tasty.. ^^ )


Heat up a pan, put in butter, then stir fry both shallots and garlic until they turn golden.
In a separate pot, put in the water, pork meat, mushroom, carrot and sausages. Then put in the stir fried shallots and garlic. Add also sugar, salt, pepper, nutmeg, scallion and tomato sauce. Wait until the soup boils and the carrot is soften. Then add the mixture of water and tapioca starch. Stir until the soup becomes thicker and boils, then it is ready to serve.

Here is my Tomato Soup. ^^ I added garlic bread . ^^ Yummy !

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Today's lesson for myself

Lesson learned today :

Don't easily trust somebody's word about your family, friends without you confirm it to the person by yourself.

Don't tell anyone about your money..or anything related with money.

I just saw a tv program that shows past case about how a woman can be a devil just because money.. she until killed ( or made 3 of her friend to kill) their husbands.. And took their money with soo many devilish words and methods.. OMG..

God.. Please guide me, my family, and my friends..
Guide us and protect us always..
If we are going to the wrong way, make a whisper to our ears and our hearts.. So , we listen to Your words and return to your way.
Lead our way so we will walk in Your way always.

I am soo scared because watching this show...Since it is a real case in this real world. Oh My..