
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tomato Soup

2 weeks ago, i made this tomato soup.. The recipe was gotten from my sister who got this recipe from internet. So, Thank You who made this recipe.. It is Delicious! ^^

I really think this is a nice soup for autumn, winter, and spring. ^^

*note : Krn pemula dalam masak memasak, jd ukuran bahan2 nya bener2 kuikuti.. Klo yang sudah jago, ga terlalu perlu mikirin kali ya.. Yang penting kalo dirasa enak.. itu dah OK. *

So, lets start ! ^^

Ingredients :
4 cups of water
1/4 lb of pork meat – cut into small dices --> can be change with chicken or spam..
2 sausages (preferably bratwurst) – cut into small dices --> since i used spam, i didn't add this

1 piece of carrot – cut into small dices
1 can of button mushroom – cut into thin slices
1/4 cup of tomato sauce
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 tablespoon of salt
a pinch of nutmeg (biji pala)

1 stem of scallion – cut into thin slices (daun bawang)
mix of 1/4 cup of water and 2 tablespoons of tapioca starch
1 teaspoon of butter
4 cloves of shallots – cut into thin slices (bawang merah)
1 teaspoon of minced garlic

1 fresh tomato ( i just add this one , since i have a leftover one.. so i added it. It made the soup taste more tasty.. ^^ )


Heat up a pan, put in butter, then stir fry both shallots and garlic until they turn golden.
In a separate pot, put in the water, pork meat, mushroom, carrot and sausages. Then put in the stir fried shallots and garlic. Add also sugar, salt, pepper, nutmeg, scallion and tomato sauce. Wait until the soup boils and the carrot is soften. Then add the mixture of water and tapioca starch. Stir until the soup becomes thicker and boils, then it is ready to serve.

Here is my Tomato Soup. ^^ I added garlic bread . ^^ Yummy !


eve said...

Ah my fave... Tomato soup. Weekend ini rencananya mau nyobain hainanese chicken rice Len, moga2 jd hihi

Indra Irawan said...

Need pict please... (>.<)

bernadette_tokyo said...

@ Eva --> Seeep lah ~ Pasti jadi..^^ Tinggal rebus ayam aja.. Dirasain kaldunya sampe OK asin dan rasa ayamnya.. ^^

@Indra --> Dah di add.. :p Lama uploadnya agak males.. huahuaha..